Alex Ola Quintana
It all started from the parachute that didn’t open.
It wasn't me (luckily!) but someone very close to my heart. Whilst Western medicine undoubtedly saved his life, it was various forms of bodywork that helped him return to his full power.
I was hooked!
For the last 10 years, I have travelled the world to learn from some of the best alternative health teachers in the world of myofascial, visceral and craniosacral therapy. I studied:
Clinical, Sports and Remedial Massage
(Oxford School of Sports Massage)Visceral Manipulation
(Barral Institute)Structural Bodywork
(Anatomy Trains)Craniosacral therapy
(Milne Institute)
My teachers taught me that if we find the underlying causes of pain and address them skilfully, we can change the course of people's lives.
I have worked with:
The Oxford University Women’s Lightweight Rowing Club
Professional athletes (some of them Team GB)
Many people who have nothing to do with sports, and everything to do with living a pain-free and happy life.
I believe in the potential and promise of holistic treatment. I will always address the condition that you’ve come with, making sure that I also investigate the underlying circumstances, your personal context and experience… all of you.
I absolutely love my work. I consider the opportunity to share my love for anatomy and my clinical experience one of the biggest privileges of my life.
I live with my husband Cintain in Edinburgh. When I am not at the clinic, I can be found in my creative web-design studio where I let my inner artist go wild designing websites.
“Alex has made sure that I am able to compete to the maximum. Keeping my body flexible and mobile is so important to me in my job.
Andy C., Golf Pro
"I had treatments at Healing Space in the months following a C-section.
Sessions with Alex significantly reduced the pain and tenderness of my scar tissue.
EK, Statistician
Cintain Quintana
I am fascinated by the depth and complexity of the human body-mind and the interactions amongst us.
For the last eighteen years I’ve devoted my life to finding out what makes people sick and what prevents them from thriving.
Very soon into this journey I realised that in order to help others, I had to first understand and help myself out, because I was just as stuck as everyone else.
My practice is a reflection of the techniques, modalities, and systems that I have found useful for myself and others through years of study and practice. The core of my work is
Chinese Medicine
the oldest extant, continuously-practiced system of healthcare in the World, and I practise all the techniques I employ with an eye to this functional, holistic view of human life and its relationship with the environment. I graduated with a Diploma of
from the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences of Nelson, BC, Canada in 2006.
Later on I furthered my studies by learning about Body-based Psychotherapy with the Corpore Institute, from which I graduated in 2013. Fascinated by the power of informed therapeutic touch, I then went on to learn:
Structural Integration from Tom Myers of Anatomy Trains fame,
Visionary Craniosacral Work™ from Hugh Milne, and
Visceral Manipulation from the Barral Institute.
"Recurrent back pain is a cage around life; you never know when you'll bang up against the bars and recoil in pain. The usual advice worked... for a while. But I felt it addressed symptoms not cause.
Structural Integration is different. It doesn't focus solely on the back but - in the hands of a master practitioner like Cintain - it analyses and treats the whole body, muscle group by muscle group as well as holistically. The systematic approach means my posture is better, my muscles stronger, and I can breathe more freely. It has retrained my body to feel less likely to break down. Thank you Cintain!”
Chris, Medical Doctor